New sleek Vudu-X™ replaces your carbon rod dampener with our patented highly advanced compound bow string silencer. Saunders invented the industry’s first string dampener in 1997…The Deadly-Quiet™. The design absorbed excess string energy, helped get the arrow off the string improving speed and accuracy. All dampeners that followed suffered from one common ailment – repeated string slaps… You’ve probably seen slow motion video of these oscillations. Vudu-X™ traps the string in a recoil chamber, eliminating resonant strikes while also absorbing limb shock. The result is the quietest bow you will have ever shot. Both carbon rod versions can be shortened for a perfect fit. Note: Vudu™ in slow motion video was shot with test parts before mold mold surface was dulled.
Tip: To determine if you need a 5/16″ or 3/8″ rod take a 5/16″ open end wrench and slip it over the stock rod. If it doesn’t fit then you have a 3/8″ rod.
Need more proof? Ask your local pro-shop about the Vudu™ Challenge comparison test. If they haven’t taken the challenge have them to contact us about getting a free demo Vudu™.
Henry Johnson (verified owner) –
I put this on my 20 year old bow stopped a lot of vibration and makes the bow sound very quiet. would definitely recommend .great great product
Tony Warden (verified owner) –
I’ve used the VUDU X on both compound bows and crossbows and it’s the best string dampener on the market. You can actually feel the difference it makes.