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Flat Bands

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Precision twin tapered, heavy pull flat bands with self-centering pouch.

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Flat band power bands for Wrist-Rocket® flat band models.  All our flat bands come with twin band double tapered bands for greater efficiency and speed plus our accurate, easy loading pouch the HVPC (Hyper-Velocity Posi-Center pouch).

The Black Mamba™ are our standard medium power bands.

TNT™ bands are natural bands and are our fastest bands available.

The Stryker™ bands are high power and extra durable when shot at the lower power settings. **Please note that the high-powered slingshot Stryker™ flat bands are too thick to be used with the Pipper™ sight.  Stryker bands are NOT recommended for use with the long draw Pro-X™ due to pouch failure.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3.5 × 1 in

Black Mamba™, TNT™, Stryker™


One band set, Three band set

5 reviews for Flat Bands

  1. Jimbo (verified owner)

    The Pro-X does live up to the name.
    Can hit a 2.5′ steel target at 50 yds. fairly easy. Small game would be no issue for this. The Pipper upgrade is cool 😎
    X marks the spot!

    • CSadmin (verified owner)

      Jimbo- Thanks for the comments. The Pipper sight is outstandingly bright. You will notice this the most on dark cloudy days.

      Keep up the good shooting!


  2. Regie Taylor (verified owner)

    The PRO-X is really a great piece of engineering! And the piper sights work so well for me, at 30-40 feet, I can hit any soup can! I really love this sling shot 👍 I got the combo pack , because it was a good deal with ammo, pier sight and extra Black Mamba bands. My first set of bands only lasted about 100 shots before a pouch separation, and my second set of Black Mamba bands has about 200 shots on it and they look really frayed and about ready to break, so I just ordered a 3 pack of the TNT bands to see if they hold up better.

  3. Lamar Daniels (verified owner)

    My 1st slingshot with sights….I recently ordered the PRO X…and wooow slight drawback on the bands and woooow, POWERFUL and the sights are very ACCURATE no matter how far you’re shooting!!!! Regular slingshots I stayed withing 10-12 feet away from target, but this PRO X slingshot after loving the accuracy I felt confident with this particular model, and pushed it further than I Normally would compared to other slingshots on the market….I was surprised to see with the PRO X slingshot/wrist rocket, that I’m popping targets/ soda cans, etc and smaller target from about 30+ft away!!!….This is my go to wrist rocket now on!!!!! love it’s POWER & ACCURACY!!! ( PRO X)….definitely hold steady well too! These black mamba bands with the PRO X, is hitting over 200+ FPS, and this is without shortening the bands and with less drawback of the bands!!!!?????

  4. Lamar Daniels (verified owner)

    My 1st slongshpts with sights….I recently ordered the PRO X…and wooow slight drawback on the bands and woooow, POWERFUL and the sights are very ACCURATE no matter how far you’re shooting!!!! Regular slingshots l, I stayed withing 10-12 feet away from target, but this PRO X slingshot after loving the accuracy I felt confident with this particular model, and pushed it further than I Normally would with other slingshpts like the blackwidow, and others….I was surprised to see that I’m popping targets/ soda cans, and smaller target from about 30ft away!!!….this is my go wrist rocket now on!!!!! love it’s POWER & ACCURACY!!! ( PRO X)….definitely hold steady well too! These black mamba bands with the PRO X, is hitting over 200+ FPS, and this is without shortening the bands!!!!?????

  5. Bill Herriman (Tex Shooter) (verified owner)

    The Black Mamba bands are the longest lasting flat bands that I have used – Period. They also have decent power and speed! I shoot 1/2 inch steel for target and if I want to hunt 44 cal. lead and I get about 175 FPS with my 33 draw!

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  • Setting Flat-band Power

    We go about flat-band power settings differently from the rest of the industry. What we use is percentage of stack. Stack is the length at which the bands can no longer stretch. At anchor we like about 70% to 80 % of stack. In rough terms this means stack would happen about 3 to 5 inches past your anchor point. Shooting in this range generally gives one the best of both accuracy and longevity but it can be a little fickle. Sometimes this sweet spot varies with the slingshot model and ammo so we recommend experimenting. You may find your ideal power setting is 65% or 75% or it may be related to the model your shooting. The bottom line is to trust your instincts and you will know when the bands are just right.

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